Saturday, 29 August 2015

Portugal Adventures!

what's up peeps not talked in a long time!
how's holidays going for you?
As you know I have been to Portugal (it was so nice)
so I have a few (more then a few) pictures from there
an amazing plant which I don't think we get in England

you can see the SEA!
WOW just WOW!

so many FLOWERS
one of my faves you???
fish market
these are singing fish!
these are actually tomatoes!
chilli's (they look so hotttttt) 
pink pods

a brew with a view
night skies
I love this place such a lovely little store
 so when your ever going to Portugal
remember to pop into here!
Portuguese chickens with a slight twist
sisters bands are epic
candy floss clouds
beach beds
beacy mornings
me and hattie selfies
mouth dropping
I hope you liked this post I promise i'll be back to normal next sonday
the indoor campsite xxx 

Thursday, 20 August 2015


hi guys have you been bouldering yet?
sorry I didn't post last Sunday I was in Cornwall
Here's a few pictures of my trip hope you like them!!
me and my sister in a massive rock pool we called it the bath

me and Hattie again
when me and Hattie find a cave we go in it ;)
I found another one (just had to check the tide)
best cave in the world!!!!
that was so fun also it was so shallow
I did it about 10 times
Hattie was in the background and I jumped of the high rock
this was the cave from the picture above
me looking odd crabbing
beautiful picture of the beach
my brother being epic
hope you enjoyed this blog post also next week I will do the same because I'm off on holiday again (I'm going to Portugal.. where
are you going??)
hope you don't mind!
the indoor campsite xxx

Sunday, 9 August 2015


Hi guys, how's life going for you?
Have you made the zip wire yet or in the making of it?
Today I'm going to share some tips and tell you all about Bouldering!
 1. So the first thing is, chose a certain colour... Normally the easiest is orange and yellow!
2.  when you're going up the wall to keep your bum in and try and keep it as close to the wall as possible.
3. Try and keep your leg straight and push up (by straight I mean when you are trying to reach a high hold!)
4. When you get to the last hold, hold it with two hands to show that you have reached your final destination!
I would say the hardest holds to go up the wall with are black white and wood!
I go to the Red Goat Bouldering Centre in York it is a really lovely place and I highly recommend it because everyone is so nice around there!

Saturday, 1 August 2015

D.I.Y zip wire

Hi guys how are you all?
Today I wanted to teach you how to build a zip wire (yes the one with the rope and stick)
Materials list

• Two strong trees that are spaced apart from each other 
• 25m of wire cable 
• Climbing pulley
• A length of rope 
• A set of steps 
• Ratchet straps 
• A strong stick to sit on 
Fasten the pulley onto your 25m wire cable (if you don't do this before fastening the wire to the trees you won't be able to get it on!). Now fasten the cable to the starting point of what ever tree your going to set off from (please look at attached pictures for fixing instructions) Make sure the start point is higher then the end point otherwise you won't be able to slide down the wire. Now you have fixed the starting point you have to fix the end point, this is were you will need a ratchet strap (can be bought from local D.I.Y stores). First fix the cable around the middle of the ratchet strap, now loop the ratchet strap around your tree/trees (remember this is lower then your starting point). Now tighten your ratchet strap which will tighten the cable to allow you to slide down it. You need to go back to your pulley that should be hanging on your wire, now attach the piece of rope to the pulley then fix the stick to the right height so your not dragging on the floor when you set off or land. Please look at all my pictures to make sure you have fitted everything correctly before you jump off those steps! 

Enjoy! The indoor campsite xxx

BTW- all my materials apart from the trees and the pulley are all from Sam Turners, Northallerton